
magnetic lifters the use of the magnetic drum

Magnetic roller primarily used to remove powder, flakes and granular material in the ferromagnetic impurities. Magnetic roller core using rare earth permanent magnet, in the work area to magnetic lifters form a high strength

High gradient magnetic field, the magnetic field strength in the 1500GS-12000GS, completely suitable for all industries. To facilitate the purchase of new customers, small series introduces the use of magnetic drum

Also known as magnetic drum magnetic pulley or bulk magnetic separator. Its internal high-performance hard magnetic materials composed of complex magnetic system, with a high magnetic field strength, depth, simple structure,

Easy to use, no maintenance, does not consume electricity, perennial demagnetization characteristics. Can be used in cement, magnetic separator, mining, iron and steel, chemicals, magnetic coat hooks refractory materials, waste disposal

Management and other sectors of selected iron, can also be used for food, plastic, rubber and other industries of non-magnetic materials separation, and DT-75 type, AD-80 general-purpose fixed belt conveyor with

Using sets instead of driving wheel, or with belt conveyor manufacturing facilities.
Meanwhile, the magnetic roller unique design, durable and stable magnetic field, magnetic adsorption area, no Magnetic Rods run materials, leakage of material phenomena

