
Properties of Magnetic Rods

Dipolar particles in nature and technology basic building blocks, but the effect of anisotropic particles rarely discussed. magnetic rods, we make the magnetic layer is coated with a semi-cylindrical in order to meet a number of conditions colloidal silica rod: dominate the gravitational nearly monodisperse, it is easy to imaging and magnetic interactions. We recognize the dipole assembly and long-term forecasting of stress brought about by the microscopic variety shape and composition of anisotropy, in particular by inference, from the literal molecular knowledge learned. Magnetic Rods in this system, we describe the analogy with the liquid crystal bending deformation, open and twisted; a similar cis / trans isomerism of organic molecules, which in our system can be controlled and reversible switching; and The method of switching magnetic field to guide the single ribbon to not only single and multiple ring may then undergo hierarchical self-assembly. We emphasize control and design rules reconfigurable dipole material to build complex microscopic substances question block shape.

